Watch the Trailer for Kanye West’s Videogame, Only One
Image via YouTube
In addition to rapper, fashion designer and most confusing (confused?) human alive, Kanye West can now add videogame creator to his repertoire of titles.
West debuted the trailer for his game, Only One, at Sony’s E3 2016 press event yesterday in Los Angeles, and it is now online so we can all get hype about what is sure to be the new Halo. Developers Encyclopedia Pictura are putting the game together, and they describe the game in literally one short sentence on their website: “You’ll play as Kanye’s mom, Donda, flying through the gates of heaven.” That’s it. Encyclopedia Pictura then says they have an “all-star team” working on it, lists a bunch of names, and says they’re also hiring more people to work on it and you can apply online.
The 45-second clip of the game features Kanye’s mother (looking strikingly like a Sim) ascending into the clouds with other people (Sims), then on the back of a winged horse, then sprouting her own wings. She then rockets through a vortex of clouds and emerges in the presence of the radiant sun. A title card deems the game, “Only One.” The clip is backed by a majestic choir version of West’s “Hey Mama.”
If you’re a Yeezus follower, you probably remember that West also showed the trailer at his Yeezy Season 3 fashion show—twice. He made the audience watch it twice. He apparently didn’t get quite the reaction he hoped for, and said, “That’s not easy to do. “Y’all be acting like that shit is just easy to do, man!” He went on to explain, “I go out and meet with everybody in San Fran and they’ll diss the fuck out of me. I’ll be like ‘I wanna make a game’ and they’ll be like ‘Fuck you.’ That was hard to do, bruh. This shit was hard to do, man.” The whole scenario is just very reminiscent of Ben Wyatt’s “Requiem for a Tuesday.”
Only One has been in the works for more than a year, but there’s no word on when the game will be released in full for our playing pleasure. In the meantime, West will be on his “Saint Pablo Tour,” which was just announced today and will take him all over the U.S. this fall. Watch the trailer for Only One above.