Minecraft Unveils “Add-Ons,” Bringing The Modding Experience to All Players

Minecraft has announced that a new form of downloadable content will be added to the Minecraft Marketplace in the form of “Add-Ons.” Add-Ons act as mods that will change the game’s look and behavior and will be available to all players on Bedrock starting on Feb. 20.
Unlike other Marketplace content such as the Star Wars pack, Add-Ons can be applied to already existing worlds to add variation to the gameplay. Add-Ons can add brand new custom blocks, items, recipes, and a myriad of other content that will only expand with time. For example, an Add-On might provide a gravestone to store a player’s items upon death. There can be new portals to link two spots in the overworld, and perhaps the addition of new pets and distinctive furniture to players’ bases. Add-Ons can be implemented into multiplayer worlds and realms, and only the world’s owner requires the Add-On.
It is important to note that Add-Ons are not going to replace traditional mods that are obtained outside of the marketplace. The team at Mojang have made it very clear that there are no plans to remove the option for players to sideload mods from other sources. This is a way for players on the Bedrock version to experience the modded experience that those on the PC-exclusive Java edition have been enjoying for years now. Console players will get the option to officially modify Minecraft for the first time.
All supported Minecraft: Bedrock Edition devices will have Add-Ons available when they arrive in the Minecraft Marketplace on Feb. 20. Mojang considers the initial launch period as a “snapshot” for what potential Add-Ons can look like for the future. This will be an opportunity for players to test out the Add-Ons and send over feedback to enhance the experience even further. All of the upcoming Add-Ons are created by Minecraft partners and tested by the team themselves. The list of the first round of Add-Ons can be read in detail here.