Minecraft Developer Mojang Gets a New Name, Logo and Weird New ‘Mojang’ Gadgets
Image via Mojang Studios
To celebrate its 11th anniversary, Minecraft developer Mojang has added “Studios” to its official company name. There’s also a shiny new logo and the announcement of some odd-looking “Mojangs,” which the company is being coy about.
In a blog post published Saturday, Mojang Studios Head of Communications Thomas Wiborgh explained the name change by noting the company’s many locations and titles under the Minecraft brand.
Accompanying the name change is a new logo, unveiled in a new trailer which also teases its new “Mojang” creations. As of now, details are sparse on what exactly these things do, but they seem to be physical objects that we’d imagine would interact with some form of Minecraft in one way or another.
“These mysterious little gizmos are powered by play,” Wiborgh writes in the post. “They test and tinker, endlessly explore, and help us discover new corners of the Minecraft universe.” That’s about as specific as it gets.
Are they toys to life? Do they project creations into Mojang Studios’ augmented reality title, Minecraft Earth? Only time will tell.
The company is up to a lot, not least the upcoming release of the dungeon-crawler Minecraft Dungeons for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Switch and PC on May 26. It’s also confirmed continuing development of its feature film and an upcoming live show, once we’re able to attend such things as movie theaters and live shows again.