Mortal Kombat 11 Brutality Guide

Mortal Kombat 11 Brutality Guide

After telling you how to do all fatalities in Mortal Kombat, it’s time to look at an even more brutal class of finisher. Yes, they’re called brutalities, and every fighter has ‘em. Unfortunately you can’t just do them at any point, or whenever you want: you’ll have to unlock them in the game’s Krypt, which is like a loot mode where you walk around opening treasure chests and finding other hidden goodies. And once you’ve unlocked a brutality, you then have to meet specific requirements in a fight in order to be able to pull it off. Brutalities are just kind of complex and confusing all around, but here’s a quick and easy way to learn all of them.

Also, since the game is on multiple consoles, the specific buttons for your brutality combos will depend on your controller. Unlike fatalities, it won’t always be either a Front Punch, Back Punch, Front Kick or Back Kick; you might have to do a throw or even amplify your move. The specific buttons for all of these moves depend on your console, and here’s a guide to all possible buttons.

Front Punch: Square on PS4, X on Xbox, Y on Switch
Back Punch: Triangle on PS4, Y on Xbox, X on Switch
Front Kick: X on PS4, A on Xbox, B on Switch
Back Kick: Circle on PS4, B on Xbox, A on Switch
Throw: L1 on PS4, LB on Xbox, L on Switch
Amplify (it’s also the Interact button): R1 on PS4, RB on Xbox, R on Switch

Once you get the specific inputs for your preferred console committed to memory, you can start working on the brutalities themselves. This might not be a complete list—some brutalities are still being discovered within the game—but it’s all the ones we know about so far.

Every Fighter

There’s one brutality that’s shared by every character in the game. It’s fittingly called The Klassic, and it doesn’t need to be unlocked in the Krypt. Yep, you can go whip this brutality off in any battle right now, assuming you meet the specific conditions. If a brutality has multiple conditions listed below, you’ll have to do ‘em all in order to pull off the move.

The Klassic
Final hit must be an uppercut
You can’t block any attacks in the last round.

Input: Down and Hold Back Punch


The angry man with the swords for hands is ready for some slicin’. He has at least three unique brutalities, and here’s how to do ‘em.

Cut Up

Finish the fight with the Chop Chop move
Enter down, down, down while performing a throw

Input: Down, Back Front Kick

Nom Nom

Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Down, Down, Down while doing a toward throw—Forward and


Get the first hit
Finish the fight with a Leg Kabob
Hold forward during that Leg Kabob

Input: Back, Forward, Back Kick (hold Forward)

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Cassie Cage

Boom Bitch:

Throw your opponent three times during the fight
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Hold Throw

Make It Pop

Don’t lose a round
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Hold Forward and press Throw


Falling Sky

Finish the fight with the second hit of Earthquake
Do a Mercy during the fight

Input: Down, Down, Front Kick

Smoked Flesh:

Finish with less than 40% of your health bar
Finish the fight with Amplified Hell’s Wrath
Stand far from your opponent

Input: Down, Forward, Front Punch Amplified

Splitting Apart:

Finish the fight with a toward throw
Do at least three throws during the match

Input: Forward, Throw


Buggin’ Out

Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Down, Down, Down during a toward Throw

Erron Black:

Goodbye Cruel World

Finish the fight with a TNT toss that’s still in Black’s hands

Input: Down, Back, Front Punch

Is Something Burning?

Finish the fight with a TNT toss

Input: Down, Back, Front Punch


Bleeding Out

Finish the fight with the Winter Woods Kombo
Activate Core Overload

Input: Back, Back Punch, Back Punch


Sinking Feeling:

Finish the fight with Quick Sand
Hit your opponent with Quick Sand at least three times

Input: Down, Back, Front Punch

Jacqui Briggs

Damn It

Finish the fight with a toward throw
Hold forward during a throw

Input: Hold Forward and press Throw

Next Level Shit

Finish the fight with a Bionic Dash
Use at least five Bionic Dashes during the fight

Input: Back, Forward, Front Kick

What Happened?

Finish the fight with an Amplified Throw Escape

Input: an Amplified Throw Escape—so any basic punch or kick while pressing amplify



Finish with a toward throw

Input: Forward, Throw

What Would Mileena Do

Finish the fight with an Amplified Pole Vault
Quickly press Front Punch and Back Punch, back and forth, during a hit

Input: Back, Forward, Front Punch and Amplify

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I Said Sleep

Finish with less than 20% Health
Finish the fight with the Sleep, Bitch combo

Input: Back and Front Kick, Back Punch, Front Punch and Front Kick


Finish the fight with Pound Town
End with a Front Punch
Hold Front Punch during the hit

Input: Down, Back and Front Punch, Front Punch

Slow Clap

Arms have to be completely heated up
Finish the fight with Lethal Clap

Input: Down, Back and Front Punch

Johnny Cage

$500 Sunglasses

Finish the fight with Throwing Shades
Stand far away from your opponent

Input: Down, Down and Back Punch

The Award Goes To

Stun enemy with Say Cheese
Quickly press Front Punch and Back Punch over and over during hit
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw


Spin Me Right Round

Use at least three Nomad Dashes during the fight
Finish the fight with a Nomad Dash

Input: Back, Forward and Front Kick


Not Lookin’ Good:

Conditions: Hold the down button during a throw
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw


Deadly Lips

Do a mercy during the fight
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw


Finish with less than 40% health
Finish the fight with Square Wave

Input: Back, Forward and Front Kick



Finish with less than 50% health
Hold the down button during a hit
Finish the fight with Taxed Combo

Input: Forward and Back Punch, Back Punch, Front Punch and Front Kick

Should Have Paid

Quickly press Front Punch and Back Punch during a hit
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw

Kotal Kahn

Back Stabber

Hold down the throw button while performing a throw
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw


Activate Tonatiuh Beam or God Ray
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw

Kung Lao

Bad Buzz

Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw

Not Holding Back

Conditions: Quickly press Front Punch and Back Punch during a hit
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw

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Liu Kang

One Inch Death Strike

Finish the fight with Dragon Parry
That final parry has to be the third parry of the fight

Input: Down, Back and Front Kick

Noob Saibot


Finish with more than 40% of health
Hold back during a throw
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw

More Portals More Problems

Finish the fight with Sickle Snag
Press down, down, down during a hit

Input: Down, Back and Front Kick


Do a mercy during the fight
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw


Elder Storm Strike

Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Hold the throw button

Zap Zap

Quickly press Front Punch and Back Punch over and over during a throw
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw



Hold Front Kick during a hit
Finish the fight with Demon Breath

Input: Down, Forward and Front Kick

Spine Ripper

Perform at least three throws
Hold throw button during a throw
Finish the fight with a back throw

Input: Throw

Shao Kahn

Kahn Croquet

Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Press Down, Down, Down while holding Forward and pressing Throw


Bottom Out

Perform at least three throws in the last round
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw


Finish with no less than 50% health
Stand far away
Hold Back Punch
Finish the fight with Blood Ball

Input: Down, Back and Back Punch

Sonya Blade

Popping Heads

Don’t lose a round
Hold down the forward button during a throw
Finish the fight with a toward throw

Input: Forward and Throw


Off With Your Head

Press Forward, Forward, Forward while hitting the opponent
Finish the fight with Amplified Slide

Input: Back, Forward and Front Kick and Amplify

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