Netflix Engineers Stream House of Cards on an NES

If you still haven’t watched House of Cards season 3 or are experiencing technical difficulties with your usual streaming device, this group of Netflix engineers have an answer to your woes. Guy Cirino, Alex Wolfe and Carenina Motion hacked a 30 year old NES console and stuffed all of the popular streaming service into an unmodified Nintendo cartridge. Now you can watch all your favorite programs in the system’s 8-bit glory.
Cirino, Wolfe and Motion start the service up in the video above where they manage to play a snippet of House of Cards. For some reason that we cannot explain, Frank Underwood somehow looks even more menacing in old school pixilation. The guys behind the project have indicated, however, that the service still runs only in a limited capacity and did require “some assembly” for them to get it up and running properly.
There is a limited browsing interface that appears in the video and apparently all access has been limited to those involved in the project. The service is obviously not running on live servers as some unreleased Netflix original titles appear on the feed, including Adam Sandler’s in-production Ridiculous Six and Yuen Woo-ping’s Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon 2. Still, we can keep our fingers crossed that Netflix releases it to the public as their next system launch. We don’t know why we need this. We just know we do.
Watch the full hack in the video above.