Nintendo Finally Puts the Debate Around Toad’s Head to Rest
Is it a hat or his head? Wonder no more
Image via Nintendo
For almost 30 years, fans of the Super Mario Bros. series have waged verbal battles over the true nature of Mario’s diminutive, possibly mushroom-headed pal, Toad. Firm stances were taken in both the “It’s a hat!” and the “It’s his actual head” camps, but the decades-long fighting can now be put to rest.
Super Mario Odyssey producer Yoshiaki Koizumi released a video addressing the subject, along with a few other Mushroom Kingdom mysteries such as why Mario has nipples but no belly button, and the nature of Mario’s relationship with Peach and Pauline.
While no revelations were made about Mario’s supposed “human” anatomy (Koizumi dodged the question) or Mario, Peach and Pauline’s parameters (dodged again, though we get not wanting to out someone else’s polyam relationship in public), Koizumi did end the Toad debate.
“So that, as it turns out, is actually Toad’s head,” Koizumi said, stopping short of fully explaining the anatomy of the now confirmed mushroom-headed pal. “I’m going to have to leave it to all of you to figure out exactly how that works out. Maybe there’s something inside … ”
See the video below. Good luck refuting it, you “It’s a hat!” truthers.