Nintendo Nearly Doubles the Confirmed Number of Hacked Switch Accounts
Image via Nintendo
An additional 140,000 Nintendo Switch accounts have been hacked, Nintendo announced Tuesday. Following the confirmed 160,000 accounts hacked in April, this now brings the hacked total up to 300,000.
In a statement on its Japanese website, the company shared that the hacked accounts were all through the Nintendo Network ID (NNID) system, accounts that were initially used to access Wii U and 3DS systems and then transferred to the Switch. Although Nintendo emphasizes that less than 1% of NNID accounts were affected, it’s still probably a good idea to switch to another form of log-in and to turn on two-factor identification.
Nintendo isn’t sharing exactly how these hacked happened, but confirmed that some hacked accounts were used to make purchases through the Switch’s online store. Nintendo is in the process of changing passwords and issuing refunds for those affected by the hacks.
This isn’t a good look for Nintendo, especially since the main point of vulnerability seems to be through the company’s own log-in system. Hopefully the company will figure out how to stop these hacks soon.