How to Watch Today’s PlayStation Showcase

How to Watch Today’s PlayStation Showcase

Sony’s latest PlayStation Showcase streams live today at 4 p.m. ET / 1 p.m. PT, and promises to share the dirt on all manner of upcoming PlayStation games. From Sony’s own popular series (maybe we’ll learn more about Spider-Man 2?), to third-party games from both major and independent publishers, today’s showcase will pull back the curtain on PlayStation’s near future, much like the E3 press conferences of old used to do.

According to a post on the PlayStation Blog, today’s event will last for just about an hour, and will include news on both PlayStation 5 games and upcoming releases for PS VR2. In addition to the latest adventures of Spidey, Sony also has Death Stranding 2 in the works, as well as a Wolverine game from Insomniac Studios. There’s also a new multiplayer The Last of Us game in development, and perhaps we’ll get a update on that. And as these things usually go, there’ll probably be some game that hasn’t even been announced yet that will emerge with the most hype and excitement. Hype’s what these things are all about, of course: it’s basically an hour-plus ad for Sony’s portfolio, priming the consumer base to get ready to dish some dollars over for the next hot thing. At least these virtual events eliminate the awkwardness of stage banter and demo malfunctions that plagued E3 press conferences, as well as the constant applause breaks from an audience full of fans and fan-journalists.

You can catch today’s stream on Sony’s YouTube and Twitch channels, or just watch the whole thing below. Hopefully you’ll see something you’re into. And there’ll be way more of this kind of thing over the next couple of weeks, as we enter what used to be the E3 Season. With that event’s demise, its progeny has spread and flourished, with various streaming showcases and the Summer Game Fest (which is press-only on-site but also streamed heavily online) picking up the slack. Today’s PlayStation Showcase is the first taste of what’s to come.


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