PlayStation’s Days of Play Sale Has Started; Snag the Best Deals
Images via Bioware
If you’re a PlayStation junkie, you’ll be able to save up to 50 percent on select titles from today until June 16 at 11 a.m. EDT in PlayStation’s Days of Play sale.
First and foremost, 12-month PlayStation Plus memberships are going for $49.99, $10 off their normal price. Bioware’s Mass Effect Andromeda, and its deluxe version, are both on sale for 50 percent off. The standard version is going for $29.99, and the deluxe for $34.99.
Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 4 is joining the 50 percent off list at $19.99, as well as the Watch Dogs 2 standard, deluxe and gold editions. Battlefield 1 standard and deluxe editions will be 50 percent off, as well, but its ultimate edition is 40 percent off at $77.99.
If those titles aren’t your cup of tea, late February hit Horizon Zero Dawn is on the list for $39.59. It’s deluxe edition is on sale for $49.69. Action-adventure title The Last Guardian is also on the list at $26.39, and revival platformer Yooka-Laylee is $29.99.
In addition, if you spend $100 on any digital games until June 20, you’ll get $15 in credit back. That’s reason enough to feel slightly less guilty about your PSN shopping spree, right?
To see all the titles on sale during Days of Play, head on over to the PlayStation Store.