There Will Be No PlayStation Experience This Year
Images via PlayStation
PlayStation Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden confirmed on Friday that there will be no PlayStation Experience this year.
Layden revealed the news on the 308th episode of the PlayStation Blogcast, the official PlayStation podcast.
“Now that we have Spider-Man out the door, we’re looking down in 2019 to games like Dreams and Days Gone, but we wouldn’t have enough to bring people altogether in some location in North America to have that event,” Layden stated. “We don’t want to set expectations really high and then not deliver on it.”
This means that PlayStation users might not see a feature to change their PlayStation Network name for quite some time. At the last PlayStation Experience, Layden told interviewer Greg Miller, who asked about PSN name changes, that he hoped Miller wouldn’t have to ask him about it by the next PlayStation Experience. Since it seems like the next PlayStation Experience won’t be until 2019, the feature won’t be coming along any time soon.