Pokemon GO Adds 80 Johto Pokemon, New Evolutions This Week
Images via The Pokemon Company / Niantic
The Pokemon Company and developer Niantic announced this morning that 80 new Pokemon will be coming to Pokemon GO this week, along with some new items and evolutions.
The new pocket monsters hail from the Johto region, which players might remember as the explorable landmass from Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal. Along with the new creatures, some of the game’s original Kanto region Pokemon will now be able to evolve into their Johto-dwelling counterparts.
Two new berry types are also being added to the game: the Nanab berry slows the Pokemon, making them easier to catch, while the Pinap berry doubles the amount of candy earned from their catching. Players will also finally be given more customization options for their avatars, as Niantic will be adding a new selection of pants, shirts and hats for players to digitally wear.
While details are still vague, the developer says players can expect Pokemon “to react in new ways as you’re trying to catch them,” and that new “item carousels” will let players use berries and Poke Balls directly from the encounter screen.
The developer has yet to publish the full list of second-generation Pokemon being added to the mobile game. However, since a number of Johto monsters were already added in a December update and there were only 100 new monsters in Gold and Silver, players should expect to see nearly all of their favorite Gen-2 Pokemon (save for the legendary ones, most likely).
Be sure to check back with Paste as Pokemon GO’s long-awaited update rolls out and more news is released by Niantic. For now, go ahead and check out the game’s announcement video for the new additions below.