Leak for Pokemon GO Halloween Event Reveals Gen. 3 Monsters
Image via Niantic/Reddit
Thanks to some dataminers in Pokemon GO community The Silph Road, some new details for Niantic’s augmented reality game have been revealed. A blog post by The Pokemon Company from a couple of weeks ago mentioned “catching new Pokémon,” and after much speculation, this datamine seems to confirm that the new Pokemon are from the third-generation Ruby and Sapphire games.
A Reddit post on The Silph Road community lists several of the juicy details, but the most important ones involve the new, forthcoming monsters. Sound files for Pokemon cries going all the way to #386 (Deoxys) are included, as well as code confirming Gen. 3 badges in the file name. Also in the sound files is a theme for Lavender Town, a haunted area in the original Pokemon games—quite appropriate for a Halloween theme.
The most explicit clue is a splash screen, which straight up includes third-generation Pokemon Dusclops, Duskull, Sableye, Shuppet and Bannette, alongside familiar Pokemon such as Gengar and Zubat. The AR game recently rolled out Gen. 2 Pokemon (including the Legendary Beasts), so Gen. 3 being the next step is no surprise.
Halloween festivities for Pokemon GO have yet to be officially announced by Niantic or The Pokemon Company, but expect this update closer to the Oct. 31 holiday.