New Pokémon Masters Trailer Previews Co-op Mode, 3v3 Combat
Image via The Pokémon Company/YouTube
A fresh, new trailer for Pokémon Masters is giving us a closer look at how developers are tacking on new features while remixing some old classics.
The trailer shows us how we can befriend and team up with a giant slate of beloved trainers, including everyone from Brock and Misty to Iris and Barry, building a team of your favorite trainers plucked from Pokémon’s long timeline.
Trainers also get a chance to choose you and you and you with an all-new 3-on-3 team format, in which trainers can provide support to their pocket monster pals during battle.
At its heart, Pokémon is all about the bond between Pokémon and trainer, which we see in brand-new sync moves tailored to each trainer and partner Pokémon.
While we don’t get to see it in the trailer, a statement also explains special Sygna Suits, outfits trainers can wear into battle to change their partner Pokémon. For example, Brock’s Sygna Suit allows you to choose between bringing Tyranitar or Onix into battle. So even if you may not have the flexibility of catching all your favorite Pokémon and switching them in and out of battle, you’ll still have some choice.
The game is sure to put the emphasis on cooperation by offering the chance to fight alongside your friends in real-time co-op battles. The trailer also previews players knocking foes down with massive unity attacks involving all the trainers and Pokémon on your field.
Another key difference in gameplay is cutting turn-based moves so that you can use your attacks whenever your trainers and Pokémon are ready, making for a fast-paced combat style we haven’t seen in Pokémon games before.
From the trailer alone, it’s clear Pokémon Masters is shifting the focus from catching Pokémon to battling with them, allowing you to tag-team battle and rise through the ranks of the Pokémon Masters League. It’s no question that this will make the mobile game distinct from more traditional Pokémon titles.
Pokémon Masters is prepping for a summer 2019 launch, but we still (still!) don’t seem to have a release date, even though the occasional new snippet of news has been leaving fans salivating for a date.
To satiate your hunger for the new game, check out the new trailer for yourself below, and we’ll keep an eye out for that release date for you. You can also revisit a previous trailer for the game here.