Nintendo Announces New Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, Pokémon Sword and Shield Expansion Pass
Images via Nintendo
Nintendo’s 20-minute Pokémon Direct hints towards a busy year for Game Freak.
The Direct led with the announcement of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX, a remake of the original Pokémon Mystery Dungeon chromatic duo Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red and Blue. The Direct devoted less than a tenth of its total run-time to this announcement, but it all seems familiar—roguelike gameplay coupled with a world populated only by Pokémon. The game features a new 3D watercolor style, reminiscent of the original’s key art. We just hope the game still opens with a personality quiz that tells us what Pokémon we are. Rescue Team DX will have a demo posted to the Nintendo eShop later today (Jan. 9).
As for Pokémon Sword and Shield, Pokéfans can expect not one, but two expansion packs to come later this year, seemingly an answer to the franchise’s previous formula of updated re-releases in the vein of Pokémon Platinum or Pokémon Black and White 2. The Isle of Armor will be released in June, with The Crown Tundra coming later in the fall.
The expansion packs seem to come chock-full of additions to the game, which was met with heavy criticism upon release because of its axing of the National Dex, effectively cutting its roster of playable Pokémon by more than half. The trailer included a long montage of new additions, including returning Pokémon favorites such as Dedenne and Garchomp, new legendaries and regional Galar forms such as Slowpoke, and more areas to explore filled with additional characters. The Crown Tundra expansion will also add a new spelunking co-op mode that will feature catchable Dynamax legendaries. And, of course, there’s a ton of new clothes to waste your Pokédollars on. Speaking of Pokédollars, the full expansion pass will cost $29.99.
Watch the full Pokémon Direct below. There’s really a ton of content coming.