Weapons and Customization for Red Dead Redemption 2 Detailed

Weapons and Customization for Red Dead Redemption 2 Detailed

Rockstar Games has revealed the details of the forthcoming Red Dead Redemption 2’s weaponry and customization. There are over 50 unique usable weapons, a wide variety of customization options, and different types of ammunition that will affect your weapons’ accuracy, range and damage.

Similarly to games like The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the sequel to Red Dead Redemption will incorporate a game design feature that makes it so that the more you use your gun, the better it will perform. However, there is another side effect: If you use it often and don’t tend to taking care of it properly, it will begin to degrade over time. You will need to periodically oil and clean your most prized weapons in order to keep them in working order.

The site contains pictures of a revolver, pistol, rifle, shotgun and repeater, with detailed background information on each gun.

Customization ranges from visual upgrades like new metals, woods, varnishes and engravings to performance upgrades like new barrels, grips, sights and scopes. Even if you have a favorite go-to weapon, the game will encourage you to use a variety because different weapons are suited for different situations. For example, the high fire rate of a Double-Action Revolver is ideal if you’re trying to use your gun while riding a horse. If you’re carrying something with one of your hands, you’d do well with using a Sawed-Off Shotgun because it’s incredibly power at close range. You’ll even want to consider factors that most games haven’t included when it comes to shooting, like The Varmint Rifle being perfect for hunting small sources of meat because it’s much less likely to damage the quality of an animal’s skin and meat than a firearm with a bigger shell size.

Finally, Dead Eye is making its return in this game, and it has some upgrades. Dead Eye allows you to temporarily slow down time during combat so that you can precisely aim and more effectively pick off your enemies. The Dead Eye system will deepen as you progress through the game, expanding to let you select targets in your crosshairs, shoot at will in slow motion, manually place shots on multiple targets and pinpoint your enemies’ weak spots.

Visit the Rockstar Games website for multiple new screenshots and videos showing the different guns in action. Red Dead Redemption 2 will be released on Oct. 26 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

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