Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered Edition Gets New Trailer, Release Date

Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered Edition Gets New Trailer, Release Date

Red Faction Guerilla, developed by Volition and published by the THQ of old, was released in 2009 to both general critical positivity and consumer approval, resulting in over one million sales. It was released in a far different games landscape than that of today—destructibility was a relatively novel concept at that point, outside of games like Battlefield Bad Company and The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.

Now, in 2018, unilateral destructibility in videogames is still a somewhat novel concept—the Battlefield franchise has replaced cartoonish destruction with realistic destructibility on a broader canvas, while Rainbow Six Siege features omnipresent destructibility on a far smaller scale. So Red Faction Guerilla could still prove to be as much of a cathartic breath (explosion) of fresh air now as it was back in 2009. THQ Nordic’s newest trailer for the recently announced HD remaster of Red Faction: Guerilla further caters to this notion. Everything explodes. Everything breaks. The world is a LEGO-like sandbox for the player to reign hell upon like an angry older brother lashing out at his younger sibling’s fully built LEGO Star Destroyer.

The update in the graphical fidelity is quite noticeable and the fact that the game will run at a steady frame rate is brilliant news. Red Faction Guerilla was never a visually striking game, as it fully embraces the visual sterility of its environment: the red landscape of Mars, where the never-ending red is only juxtaposed with the science-first, aesthetics-second architecture that the player can crush with a large and loud arsenal. Red Faction Guerilla is a simple game with a simple thesis: appeal to the base desires of the id, senseless fun and boundless chaos.

Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered Edition sledgehammer-smashes its way onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on July 3, 2018. Furthermore, PC players who own the original game on Steam will be able to upgrade to the remaster free of charge. Become alpha and omega, the beginning and the end, and the destroyer of Mars.

Check out the trailer for Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-tered Edition below.

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