New Sackboy: A Big Adventure Trailer Reveals Game’s Story

If you’ve been wondering what exactly Sackboy will be up to in his latest adventure, you’re in luck. PlayStation released a new story trailer for Sackboy: A Big Adventure on Friday, showing the sackling in action and revealing more details on the narrative of the game.
The game is the latest in the LittleBigPlanet Series, and the first to be a completely 3D platformer. Sackboy’s latest adventure across the imagisphere sees the little sackling travel across various lands to stop the evil Vex and his army of minions.
The trailer shows off some of the levels in the game as well as the cute (but dangerous) creatures that inhabit them. From a snowy ice world to a lush jungle level and even a quick jaunt to outer space, there’s many new places for Sackboy to discover.
With the end of the trailer comes a brief look at the multiplayer of Sackboy: A Big Adventure. Four unique sacklings take on the world by platforming and working together to solve puzzles.
Sackboy: A Big Adventure is releasing on Nov. 12 for the PlayStation 5. You can check out the new trailer for yourself below.
Nicolas Perez is an editorial intern at Paste and opinion co-editor for New University. He’s rambling on Twitter @Nic_Perez__.