Star Trek: Bridge Crew Delayed to May, Original Enterprise Crew Added
Images via Ubisoft
Ubisoft announced today that the classic U.S.S. Enterprise bridge and crew from Star Trek: The Original Series will be playable in Red Storm Entertainment’s forthcoming Star Trek: Bridge Crew, and that the VR title has been delayed until May 30.
Originally slated for last November, the game was later delayed until March 2017. The title sees up to four players team up as Starfleet crew members on the bridge of the U.S.S. Aegis. The missions involving the Enterprise will be available in the game’s Ongoing Voyages mode, in which players can tackle endless and randomized missions. David Votypka, senior creative director at Red Storm, said, “We felt it was important to include a part of classic Star Trek with this game, especially during Star Trek’s 50th anniversary.”
The VR title will launch on Playstation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on May 30. For a better look at the game, check out last year’s E3 trailer below.