A New Star Wars Game in Development From Amy Hennig
This marks her second space rodeo, and fans are excited

Skydance New Media has announced that Amy Hennig, best known for her work with the Uncharted series, will be leading development on a brand new Star Wars game in a partnership with Lucasfilm Games. Hennig previously worked on the canceled, but ambitious, Star Wars 1313 at EA’s Visceral Games.
Hennig is thrilled to be back in the Star Wars universe, stating: ““I’ve often described how seeing Star Wars in 1977 essentially rewired my 12-year-old brain, shaping my creative life and future indelibly. I’m elated to be working with Lucasfilm Games again to tell interactive stories in this galaxy that I love.”
While no specifics have been given in the press release, the game promises to be a “richly cinematic action-adventure game featuring an original story in the legendary Star Wars galaxy.”
An offshoot of the film production company, Skydance New Media aims to bridge the gap between film and television, with a particular focus on story-based interactive series on streaming platforms. They want to “employ state-of-the-art computer graphics to provide the visual fidelity of television and film, but with an active, lean-in experience that puts the audience in the driver’s seat.”
Skydance previously announced an untitled Marvel game as its first project last fall.
Henning’s game is only one of a handful being developed in the galaxy far, far away. French-studio Quantic Dream, headed by the controversial David Cage, is working on Star Wars Eclipse (even if they shouldn’t be); there are three games being developed by Respawn Entertainment: a sequel to Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order, a new first-person shooter, and a strategy game co-developed by Bit Reactor; and Ubisoft’s Massive Entertainment are working on an open-world adventure.