Stranger Things Gets a Perfect Tribute in This Point-and-Click Game
Images via Infamous QuestsWhat better way to complement the glorious, ‘80s nostalgia-infused, pop-culture cornucopia that is Netflix’s Stranger Things than with a retro, point-and-click computer game?
The indie developers at Infamous Quests have done just that, creating a Windows, Mac and Linux-compatible demo that you can download for free. The brief, one-room game allows players to relive a scene from Stranger Things’ first episode, playing as police chief Jim Hopper, who’s on the hunt for Will Byers and searching for clues in the woods while accompanied by officers Powell and Callahan, as well as Mr. Clarke.
Infamous Quests’ Steven Alexander, who created the game along with James Mulvale and Jon Taylor-Stoll, told The Daily Dot that they made it for fun, but also as a way of demonstrating to Stranger Things creators the Duffer Brothers that his company could make a game based on the series. “We have the whole design document and business plan, but I wanted to get it in front of them and front of people,” Alexander said.
The game, though simplistic in its demo form, is fun and funny, not to mention a pitch-perfect tribute to the retro vibe that millions of Stranger Things fans have found so infectious. Even Hop himself, a.k.a. accomplished character actor David Harbour, is a fan of the game. Download it here, and experience (read: binge) Stranger Things on Netflix, if, somehow, you haven’t yet. Now, if only Netflix would renew the damn thing …