The Super Mario Cereal Is Real—and Can Be Used as an Amiibo

The Super Mario Cereal Is Real—and Can Be Used as an Amiibo

Here’s your bizarre Mario news item of the day: A Super Mario cereal is on the way from Kellogg’s—not only that, but the box will have Amiibo functionality. Really.

Cereal blog Cerealously has the scoop (heh) on the breakfast cereal that promotes beloved Nintendo Switch game Super Mario Odyssey, and contains star-shaped cereal bites, a mixed-berry flavor and “power-up mushrooms.” The news was reported as a rumor at first, but listings from retailers such as Target and Walmart confirm the existence of the cereal.

A tweet from Kellogg’s U.K. confirms that the cereal will see a U.S. release.

The box encourages owners of Odyssey to utilize it as an Amiibo. In the game, with the assistance of Roomba-looking companion Uncle Amiibo, players can use figures to find Power Moons on the map and obtain unique costumes.

It’s been awhile since Nintendo has put out a promotional cereal based on their games like this, with the 1980s “Nintendo Cereal System” being a prime example. No word yet from Nintendo or Kellogg’s on when this treat will be available, but we look forward to holding a damn cardboard box to our Nintendo Switches real soon.

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