New The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Trailer Highlights Some of the Remaster’s Improvements

New The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Trailer Highlights Some of the Remaster’s Improvements

Nintendo released a new The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD trailer today, detailing improvements made on the Wii original to give players an experience tailored to the Nintendo Switch. This trailer arrives two weeks before the game’s release on July 16.

One update will address one of the more annoying aspects of the game: Fi’s advice will now be optional. Instead of butting in constantly, Fi will only offer advice if you want it to. There are also enhanced control options, and players will have the option to choose between motion controls and button-only controls.

Other improvements include an enhanced frame rate, fast-forward dialogue and skippable cutscenes. There will also be streamlined item information where players can pick up items without a constant reminder of what the item is, and will only receive information on the item the first time they grab it.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD will be available on both the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite. Check out the new trailer featuring all of the game’s improvements and updates.

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