Ubisoft Reveals Official E3 Lineup, Teases Surprises
Image via Ubisoft/YouTube
Ubisoft, in a newly released teaser trailer, showcases (or name-drops, if you will) the games that will be on stage at Ubisoft’s E3 press conference on Monday, June 11. The teaser trailer itself is a mix of b-roll from last year’s conference—basically a highlight reel—and a weird implementation of Siri-like A.I. messaging about what will be at their conference this year and why us corporeal beings with emotions should be excited.
Ubisoft’s E3 2018 press conference will showcase some big games—Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, For Honor and Beyond Good and Evil 2—alongside some smaller new IPs like Skull & Bones, Starlink: Battle for Atlas and Transference. Most of these titles being shown during their conference are not surprising in the slightest, but it is nice to know that the weird, toy spaceship building game for the Nintendo Switch, Starlink: Battle for Atlas, is a thing that exists. Also, maybe we’ll actually figure out if Beyond Good and Evil 2 is more than just a CG trailer and some behind-closed-door demos.
The end of the trailer also hints that Ubisoft has some aces up their sleeve, as the A.I. thing in the trailer types out, “I’m an AI assistant not a fortune teller … but, Ubisoft usually likes to save a few surprises for the show,” so it’s safe to assume that a new IP or the revival of a now-dormant one will be shown at the show. Here’s to hoping that we finally get a new Splinter Cell game since Ubisoft has, more or less, teased it with the addition of Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon Wildlands. Ubisoft has numerous old IPs they could go back to that would be genuine crowd-pleasers, but the allure of new IPs is even more tantalizing.
Also, maybe we’ll see Wild again, right? No … no … almost definitely not.
Anyway, check out Ubisoft’s E3 teaser trailer below and tune in to watch their press conference on Monday, June 11 at 4 p.m. ET.