Free Untitled Goose Game Update Will Add a Second Goose for Local Co-op

To be honest, I haven’t thought much about Untitled Goose Game lately. There’s been too much going on in the world these last six months to spend any time with last year’s surprise hit. Instead of just sitting there, ignored and forlorn, Untitled Goose Game has made like its title antihero and refused to be denied: it’ll be getting a brand new local co-op mode in September, complete with a second goose.
Developer House House revealed the news on YouTube today, in a trailer that focuses like a laser on all the utterly rude and petty mischief you and a friend will be able to indulge in. Adding more doesn’t always make something better, especially in games and comedy, but this looks like a situation where more is exactly what everybody needed. Two geese equals twice the fun sounds like pretty basic math, you know? And if you’ve been cooped up with your family or roommates for the last five months, being able to team up and hassle some squares sounds like a great break from the pandemic blues.
The free update will be available on September 23 for the Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, and on the Epic Games Store. Oh, and good news: if you’re a Steam loyalist, it’ll finally be available on there that same day, along with
Until then, check out the trailer below, and below that find a couple of us knuckleheads here at Paste yakking about the game when it originally came out. Who knew how instantly nostalgic we’d all be for late 2019?