Watch Seth Rollins Smash Things With a Baseball Bat in the New WWE 2K18 Trailer
Image via 2K Games
It’s official. Seth Rollins has been announced as the new cover star for the next installment of 2K’s WWE videogame franchise. Rollins will grace the cover of each and every copy of the game, looking for all the world like Aqua Man from the recent Justice League trailers.
Alongside this announcement comes a new, dramatic teaser. It’s a live-action clip that begins with a masked hooligan walking into a WWE warehouse, knocking out a guard and smashing the crap out of everything. Famous artifacts are brutalized, ending with a sad shot of a statue of the late Andre the Giant getting decapitated by a baseball bat, which is … distressing. The clip ends with the thug revealing himself as Seth Rollins and a command to “Be like no one.” Presumably, that includes Rollins, because who wants to cut off Andre the Giant’s head?
But 2K’s press-release helps explain the game’s new tag-line:
For every calculated action and result, there is no question Rollins will prevail by any means necessary, and in doing so, embody everything it means to be like no one.
In determining who truly epitomizes BE LIKE NO ONE and represents WWE 2K18 to the fullest extent, there was one obvious answer: Seth ‘Freakin’ Rollins.
The game will release on Oct. 17 and will include a deluxe edition that will actually be available four days earlier for those that can’t wait that long to give somebody the chair.
Check out the entire, fiery clip above and preorder the game here.