Lips (Xbox 360)


Developer: iNiS
Publisher: Microsoft
Platform: Xbox 360

How well do you know the songs on your iPod?

Lips, the new karaoke game from the makers of Elite Beat Agents, supplements its playlist with your personal mp3 collection. The game doesn’t provide on-screen lyrics or pitch suggestions for the tunes you bring to the table. Still, the ability to “freestyle” songs from your private music stash is transformative, making complaints about the provided music (40 songs out of the box) being too mainstream or poppy completely moot. Don’t like Lil Mama’s “Lip Gloss” or “I’m Only Me When I’m With You” by Taylor Swift? Fine. Whip out your mp3 player, plug it in and show us what you got. Lips comes bundled with two handsome, motion sensitive wireless microphones that make it easy to drop in and out of play. As a jukebox, the game spins random tracks from its playlist and your mp3 player. When the mood takes you simply snatch the mic from the coffee table and start singing. It’s a casual approach to karaoke that makes Lips the ideal party favor for gamers who entertain.

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