You Can Now Suggest Locations for PokéStops and Gyms in Pokémon GO
Images via NianticIn a move sure to make things easier on people in rural areas and places without many PokéStops or Gyms, Pokémon GO players can now suggest locations to be made into them. You can do this through Pokémon GO’s support page here.
This comes as a nice surprise. In an interview on Monday, Pokémon GO developer Niantic’s CEO John Hanke was asked if this feature would be coming and he said, “I don’t know at this point.”
Other forthcoming features to look out for include trading, which Niantic confirmed they are working on. We’re also curious about the prospect of legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO, as someone found mentions of them in the game’s code earlier this week.
Hopefully we can now turn Paste’s office into a PokéStop and catch ‘em all day long.
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