TNT Gets M. Night Shyamalan to Resurrect Tales From the Crypt for 2-Hour Horror Block
Photo via Getty ImagesRemember The Sixth Sense? Yeah you do. So, remember that that’s why we all root for M. Night Shyamalan to succeed.
TNT announced today at the Television Critics Association’s winter press tour that they are ordering a two-hour horror block leading off with a new incarnation of Tales from the Crypt (!!!!!). The only other details about the programming are that it will consist of short- and long-form storytelling. The entire block, set to start some time in the fall, will be curated by M. Night Shyamalan (think of The Sixth Sense!). The new Tales from the Crypt will be based off of the original and will appear as a one-hour anthology executive produced by Shyamalan and his partner Ashwin Rajan.
Sarah Aubrey, executive VP of original programming at TNT, said of the decision, “This is a new genre for us in our series efforts and a great chance to partner with M. Night Shyamalan, whose blockbuster hit The Visit reminded movie audiences and critics this past summer that he truly is a master of horror.”
Okay, sure.
The truth is excitement over a two-hour horror, the prospect of more Tales from the Crypt and our unfailing hope in the turnaround professional underdog M. Night Shyamalan is enough to carry this news over any initials doubts we may have.
(Plot twist: Just kidding, our faith in M. Night Shyamalan was dead all along.)