The Zika Virus Has Made Its Way to India

The WHO has announced that India has confirmed its first three cases of the Zika virus.
The carriers include two pregnant mothers, who have given birth to healthy babies, and an elderly citizen—all are in good health.
The news comes weeks after Brazil officially ended its National Emergency regarding the virus. The disease infected thousands of Brazilians and created international health concerns for pregnant mothers and their babies.
Although the WHO recommends continued vigilance and precaution regarding mosquitoes, it does not express fear over travel to India. In a statement the organization said that it’s likely the disease will spread some, but not at a high rate.
India is home to the Aedes mosquito, which is the mosquito associated with carrying Zika. As you travel this summer, be mindful of mosquitos—especially in areas that have experienced cases of the virus.
Photo by Erik F. Brandsborg, CC-BY
Savannah McCoy is a freelance journalist based in Athens, Georgia. She is an avid sports fan and Game of Thrones junkie. Valar Morghulis.