28 of Paste‘s Favorite Podcasts from 28 States
Photo by Freehand Profit
Last week, we ran through 22 podcasts from 22 states, and this week, we are covering the remaining 28 states. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me on Twitter or e-mail us at [email protected].
Lean Back: Critical Feminist Conversations
Laura Weiderhaft and Lisa Corrigan are on a mission to explore how women think about work, politics, and challenges facing feminists in the twenty first century. Each episode is titled with a single word, like “monstrosity,” “utopia,” or “killjoy.” It’s a creative concept and an all-around wonderful show.
This is an interview-based show that shines a light on emerging technologists and established entrepreneurs in Denver and Boulder. Episode six is particularly good stuff: Jacqueline Ros, CEO & founder of Revolar, dives into the challenges of running a wearable technology company.
Climate Connections by the Yale Center for Environmental Communication
I’m always a wee bit reluctant to endorse shorter podcasts—the ones that run ninety seconds or shorter—but this show is an easy exception. Hosted by Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, each episode gives you bite-sized bits of environmental knowledge. The March 31, 2017 episode, “Kids send postcards to Trump” is especially good stuff.
If crime rates, facts, and figures fascinate you, this is a show for you. This is an audio project launched into the world by the Delaware Center for Justice and local writer and filmmaker Zach Phillips. It dissects the media coverage of violence and poverty in Wilmington, Delaware. The pod tackles a tough topic but is well reported and worth your time.
WUSF works weekly with The Tampa Bay Times and The Miami Herald to triple fact check what Floridian politicians are saying and doing. Their episodes are short, but their reporting is tip-top.
Better Georgia: Your Voice for Progress
I can’t lie: I love this show. I love what it is doing. It doesn’t just look at the big issues in Georgian politics; its hosts are committed to investigating and explaining legislative and electoral quagmires.
There are thousands of new podcasts coming out each year, and this might be one of my new faves. Boise State Public Radio’s Adam Cotterell is telling the stories of small groups of Idahoans—the marginalized, the powerful, the forgotten. With an utterly fascinating premise, the show has lots of promise. Stay tuned for future episodes or check out the growing archive.
The Axe Files with David Axelrod
I probably don’t have to tell you how wonderful this show is. You’ve probably heard all about the former Senior Advisor to the President. Maybe you’ve listened to one of his 138 interviews with some of America’s most famous politicians, campaign strategists, speechwriters, and activists. Episode 60, the interview with Minnesotan Senator Al Franken is super good.
So, you want to get to know a little bit more about the state that produced and elected Senator Mitch McConnell? Start here.
It’s New Orleans: Milo’s Music Parlor
This is for all you radio nerds, who love music and have always had a desire to get a sense of the contemporary New Orleans music scene. It’s a wonderful escape.
Megan Tan, a host of one of Radiotopia’s newest shows, is based in Portland, Maine; she’s intent on probing what it means to come of age in these times. Her show is without a doubt one of my favorite latest discoveries. It’s brutally honest but somehow good for the soul.
Baltimore: The Rise of Charm City
This show is all about telling intergenerational stories about place, memory, and the future of Baltimore.
Are you on the prowl for informed conversations with environmental thinkers, scientists, and eco-friendly movers and shakers? Look no further, this pod’s for you.
Pratfalls of Parenting gives hilarious insight on juggling two stressful feats: parenting and making stuff.
This is a gem of a show put out by Mississippi Public Broadcasting. You don’t have to be a Mississippian to appreciate the merits of this podcast; you just have to be a hardcore klutz.
This is our blank space for the week. Do you have a favorite podcast that’s based in Missouri? If so, we’d love to hear from you! Because, after much reflection and binging on various pods, I have to admit, I didn’t find one that was worthy of your time.
What makes Montana, Montana? If this is a question that has been weighing on your mind, I highly recommend binging on this show. And, if you’ve never been to Montana and struggle to find it on a map, then, yes, please tune in as well!
This lovely show offers thoughtful conversations with academics and emerging authors alike.
I love this podcast’s intro music, and I love, love, love that it’s trying to further the public’s understanding of gambling, money, and casinos.
New Mexico
Podcasts about food and farming don’t get enough attention these days, and so, I feel utterly obliged to plug this show, which examines the challenges faces the agricultural industry in New Mexico.
North Dakota
State Historical Society of North Dakota Podcasts
Listen to kids talk about the history of North Dakota and laugh, laugh long, laugh hard.
Somewhat infrequent but still worth your while, the ACLU has a good podcast and gives updates on all sorts of statewide issues.
This local pod covers the life and times of brewers and the beer they make.
Look. This is a short miniseries. It’s so short that it’s only a single episode long. But this coverage of the federal trial for the people who led the occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is an absolute gem.
Visiting Scholars in Aging Series at the University of Pennsylvania
This one’s for all of you millennials. Tune in and prepare for your future.
Rhode Island
We’re featuring Crimetown, as its inaugural episode delved into the history of Providence, Rhode Island in a way that few storytellers had done before. Check it out and then binge on their entire archive.
South Carolina
South Carolina Focus
Look. South Carolina is not a national hub for radio, but you owe it to yourself to check out Alfred Turner’s South Carolina Focus to better understand the culture of the coastal state.
South Dakota
This podcast is set on explaining the quirks of a state that is often forgotten, and it does a hell of a hilarious job.
Raised on a strict diet of NPR and C-SPAN, Muira McCammon is a war crimes researcher by day and a podcast reviewer for Paste Magazine by night. She can be found on Twitter @muira_mccammon or walking about the woods of western Massachusetts. Her writing has previously appeared in Slate, Waypoint by VICE, Atlas Obscura, the Massachusetts Review, and other publications.