The New York Times is Planning a “Say Something Nice About Donald Trump” Column
Photos by Mario Tama/Getty, Pool/Getty
Two weekends ago, The New York Times Sunday Review had a hot take-y op-ed about the “Upside to the Presidential Twitter Feed,” and argued that “the average citizen now has a view straight into the president’s id.”
While making that case, the op-ed (penned by Michael Kinsley) also put out a call to readers to find something to like about President Donald Trump. “It’s not another forum for debating the issues. It is a place to point out positive things Mr. Trump has said or done from the viewpoint of The New York Times and its readers,” Kinsley wrote.
Jezebel’s The Slot then skewered the Times for what it saw as over-correcting by the “Paper of Record,” but NYT is continuing full-steam ahead with its column, as this past Sunday proves.
Again, Kinsley penned the piece, and this time he gave plaudits to the sitting president for deciding to skip the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner. “What we have now is more like mutual contempt, which can be healthy too—up to a point,” was the crux of Kinsley’s latest hot take, which is actually lukewarm at best.
And to fully foster dialogue about nice things President Trump has done during his time in office, the columns end with the directive to send suggestions to “[email protected],” but it’s not possible for readers to leave comments on such op-eds about all the niceties President Trump has wrought. So how will NYT readers ever know about Trump the family man, or Trump the four-dimensional chess player who constantly wins every political battle?