Behold the Mind-Melting Trailer For Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero’s Best F(r)iends

Behold the Mind-Melting Trailer For Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero’s Best F(r)iends

It would probably be fair to say that Tommy Wiseau’s The Room, upon modern reflection, stands as one of the most memorable films of 2003. Renowned as a classic example of a directorial vanity project that went off the rails, The Room has become a holy grail to appreciators of bad melodrama—basically the closest that the millennial generation has come to anointing their own version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And now, after 15 years, both Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero are back with a new feature film, Best F®iends, vying to be one of the most memorable films of 2018.

It’s obviously no coincidence that this film is coming our way in the wake of the Oscar-nominated The Disaster Artist from James Franco, a retelling of the batshit behind-the-scenes story of The Room. Public awareness of the original film has never been higher, and you can practically see the wheels turning in the heads of Sestero and Wiseau—if they were ever going to put out another film, this is clearly the time.

Unlike The Room, however, this film isn’t entirely Wiseau’s baby. Sestero wrote the script, reportedly after seeing an early cut of The Disaster Artist and feeling sympathy for Tommy. Bringing in a largely unknown indie film director named Justin MacGregor with a few credits to his name, Sestero and Wiseau set out to make what looks like a dark drama with elements of action, noir and comedy. The new trailer is hyperkinetic craziness; just look at it below.

Yikes, right? What else could you ask for? Best F®iends is clearly going to be a lot more intricate than the extremely basic relationship melodrama at the heart of The Room. In this trailer alone, we see corpses, a man on fire, a clown in a morgue, gunfire and literal fireworks—all of which are apparently “inspired by true events.” Sure, whatever you say, Greg.

Perhaps the most shocking aspect of this trailer, though, is the admission that this is apparently “volume 1” of Best F®iends, as it claims to be “presented in two volumes.” Was this always planned? Did director MacGregor shoot so much bizarrity and weird improvisations from Tommy that he couldn’t bear to cut any of them? We’ll just have to wait and see.

According to Wikipedia, both volumes are coming in the near future—first in March, and then June of 2018. It’s actually opening fairly wide, in 600+ theaters, which will each see two-night engagements. You can look up local tickets via Fathom Events, or check out the Best F®iends ticketing app.

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