Bob Dylan – Don’t Look Back [docudrama]
![Bob Dylan – Don’t Look Back [docudrama]](
Dylan enthusiasts should rightfully freak over the deluxe DVD edition of Don’t Look Back, D.A. Pennebaker’s classic documentary of Dylan’s ?nal acoustic tour. The ?lm itself—the 23-year-old Dylan oozing bravado, surreal wisdom and music, in iconic black and white—plays with perpetual vitality. The bonus goldmine is Bob Dylan 65 Revisited, an hour’s worth of outtakes arranged with the same unalloyed rhythm as the vérité original. Dylan’s performances, musical and otherwise, are the stuff of legend, whether he’s greeting an audience of screaming British teeny-boppers with a devastating “It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue” or demonstrating “I’ll Keep It With Mine” backstage for an impassive Nico. Pennebaker and Dylan-road-manager/right-hand-man Bobby Neuwirth offer commentary tracks on both documentaries, annotating moments otherwise lost. A $30-pricier collector’s set adds a lovingly reprinted (and rather handy) ?lm transcript and a ?ipbook. None of it feels excessive.