Bruce Willis Now Has His Own Category at the Razzie Awards After Appearing in 8 Garbage Films in 2021

Some actors are simply content to sit back on their laurels and count piles of money when they reach an age that Hollywood for whatever reason no longer deems marketable.
Other actors are Bruce Willis. The Die Hard icon has effectively spent the back half of the 2010s and early 2020s becoming a prolific star presence in direct-to-VOD action and sci-fi movies, unwilling to stop acting just because major directors no longer want to hire him. The films he’s toplined are of truly abysmal quality, but hey, it’s a paycheck, right? It’s not like anyone is paying really close attention, in order to shame the guy for appearing in bad movies, right? Oh wait, hold on a sec—it turns out, someone is.
The Razzie Awards, the industry’s annual sarcastic celebration of the worst in film, announced the nominees for its 42nd awards show on Monday, and among the usual suspects was a new category specifically “honoring” the B-movie output of Bruce Willis. The new category, titled “Worst Performance by Bruce Willis in a 2021 Movie,” includes the eight feature films that Willis made in 2021, not a single one of which will have a title familiar to anyone but the most inveterate action junkie. The films are as follows:
— American Siege
— Apex
— Cosmic Sin
— Deadlock
— Fortress
— Midnight in the Switchgrass
— Out of Death
— Survive the Game
You can see the trailer for Cosmic Sin below, to get a feel for the type of project we’re talking about here. It looks like a low-rent version of Duncan Jones’ Mute, which anyone who has seen said film will understand is not a compliment. All in all, this collection of films more or less sees Willis recycling stock characters, echoes of guys that he played in movies such as Die Hard, Armageddon, The Fifth Element and Looper.
It’s actually not the actor’s first brush with the Razzies, either. Back in 1991, he was the co-winner of “Worst Screenplay” for notorious bomb Hudson Hawk, which also went on to win “Worst Picture” at that year of the Razzies.
One has to wonder if the Bruce Willis category will be kept intact for the 2022 Razzie Awards, considering that the actor is already signed on to appear in at least another eight direct-to-video films scheduled to release this year. Rest assured, we’re looking forward to seeing the likes of Corrective Measures, Die Like Lovers, and … Fortress 2. Yeesh. Please enjoy a brief glimpse of Cosmic Sin below.