Check Out this Exclusive Video Clip from Ping Pong Summer
Because if all 13-year-old boys loved ping pong and hip-hop, the world would be a better place...

What happens when you mix Susan Sarandon, tiny white balls and teenaged boys, then garnish that mixture with colorful pop-songs from the ’80s? No, get your mind out of the gutter! It’s only half as dirty as it sounds. The finished product is Ping Pong Summer, and it releases theatrically on August 5th, 2014. The film chronicles the life and exploits of a young boy named Rad Miracle and his devotion to everyone’s favorite down-sized form of tennis, ping pong. Ping Pong Summer was filmed on location in France and is set in the golden age of hip-hop and neon, 1985.
In honor of this feel-good summer comedy’s Blu-ray release, Paste is bringing you a never-before-seen exclusive video clip featuring the movie’s young star, Marcello Conte, competing in the ping pong tournament of a lifetime.
It’s time for the “Final Showdown”.