Watch Gary Oldman Become Winston Churchill in New Trailer for Darkest Hour

Watch Gary Oldman Become Winston Churchill in New Trailer for Darkest Hour

Boy, there sure seems to be a lot of art and media about how imperative it is to fight Nazis. Wonder why.

The new trailer for Darkest Hour was released today, and it features Gary Oldman disappearing completely into the role of Winston Churchill. The film, which follows Churchill for four weeks in 1940 (when World War II looked bleakest for Britain), is directed by Joe Wright and written by Anthony McCarten, known for Atonement and The Theory of Everything, respectively. This new collaboration certainly seems to fit into that same Extremely British Period Piece wheelhouse.

The film is clearly Oscar bait, a period biopic of a legendary figure released in the late fall. Oldman, astoundingly, only has one Oscar nomination to his name thus far. There’s a solid chance Darkest Hour will change that.

Darkest Hour premieres Nov. 22 in limited release. Watch the new trailer above, and the previous trailer below.

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