Watch a Short Film From the Writer of Doctor Strange and a Director He Met on Reddit
Images via Nikhil Bhagat/YouTube
As They Continue to Fall happened because of Reddit. Film student Nikhil Bhagat, who directed the short film about an angel hunter in a dark dystopian fantasy, met screenwriter C. Robert Cargill (Doctor Strange) on the site, and ended up directing Cargill’s script.
Now, they have a short film to show for it. “I am extremely lucky and grateful that C. Robert Cargill took the time to write a script for me to direct,” said Bhagat. “My goal for this short was to honor his script by making it feel as grounded and realistic as possible. I wanted to create a cinematic and mainstream film that the audiences hopefully enjoy.”
The film, which you can watch above, features pretty solid production values and a deft visual hand. The filming of As They Continue to Fall was funded by a Kickstarter campaign. In addition to Cargill, there were other expert hands on deck for the short, as well. Cinematographer Nick Rosenthal (Fat Kids Rule the World) and editor Tommy Aagaard (The Avengers) both worked on the project.
As They Continue to Fall is currently being pitched as a feature film.