Watch the Infuriating Trailer for Netflix Doc Get Me Roger Stone
Image via Netflix
Netflix has unveiled the new trailer for Get Me Roger Stone, an inside look at the turbulent political life of lobbyist Roger Stone. It’s a maddeningly infuriating trailer, chronicling his rise to power as a lobbyist and his work as an advisor to Donald Trump, leading us to believe that he is the Frankenstein to the monster that is our current president.
The trailer first goes through Stone’s time working with Nixon, including a look at his hideous Nixon tattoo. It looks like a mess, and will probably be really interesting. “I was like a jockey looking for a horse,” Stone says. “You can’t win a race without a horse.” Whew, boy, then walks in Trump. And you can practically hear Trump in Stone’s words: “Those who say I have no soul, those who say I have no principles are losers. Those are bitter losers.” Yikes.
Get Me Roger Stone will screen at the Tribeca Film Festival in April, and will head straight to Netflix on May 12.