Watch Jordan Peele Break Down Internet Fan Theories About Get Out
Photo via Vanity Fair, YouTube
We’re pretty damn big fans of Get Out, here at Paste. In fact, Jordan Peele’s satirical horror film/sparkling directorial debut claimed the spot of our #1 film of 2017 “so far,” back when we compiled that mid-year list in August, and it will surely occupy a similarly high spot on our year-end list as well. So with that said, we’re always excited to get some more insight into the mind of Peele and how he views the success and fan reaction to Get Out.
That insight arrived today thanks to a new video from Vanity Fair, in which Peele opines on a bevy of fan theories surrounding various aspects of Get Out, confirming some and shooting down others. The questions seem entirely sourced from reddit’s film community, and range from the plausible to the outlandish. We particularly enjoyed the “Rose doesn’t mix her Froot Loops with milk because she wants to keep whites and coloreds separate” argument, which seemed to amuse Peele.
Arguably the best catch, and one that really seems to impress the director, is a metaphor that one user draws between a line of dialog from the family patriarch explaining why Chris shouldn’t go in the basement—because of “black mold”—and an alternate interpretation of those words, that “black people’s bodies are used as molds, a hollow shell for white people to use.” Peele’s response is charming; a thoughtful consideration as he realizes the existence of a valid metaphor that he never quite intended.
Check out the full video above, and keep your fingers crossed for Get Out to score itself some Academy Award representation in the near future.