Gods of Egypt‘s Director Is Mad Over The Movie’s Critical Reception

The very public marketing mess that has followed the Gods of Egypt casting is not getting any less messy.

The film has once again landed in the headlines, a result of director Alex Proyas being really upset at the critical response to the film. Most of that response, it should be noted, has directly criticized the movie for its blatant white-washing of Egypt. As in, that white savior moment with Khaleesi being lifted up by a large pool of brown and black people in Game of Thrones feels like a hiccup in comparison.

To add to the open wound of a generally negative response from reviewers, the film—which cost $140 million to make—earned a staggeringly small $14 million during its opening weekend.

Apparently the months and months of publicly questioning a director’s choice to erase people out of their own narrative has finally caused director Alex Proyas to fire back. In a lengthy, rambling Facebook post, the director shared his feelings about the media’s response to his film, declaring critics as “a pack of diseased vultures pecking at the bones of a dying carcass.”

A director labeling his film a dying carcass is pretty telling about just how badly this film has performed, but the rant doesn’t stop there. Proyas calls critics out on their supposed “hypocrisy” and penchant for political correctness because white-washing a culture’s gods has literally nothing to do with his movie about said culture’s gods.

“They can rip into my movie while trying to make their mainly pale asses look so politically correct by screaming ‘white-wash!!!’ like the deranged idiots they all are,” Proyas wrote on his Facebook Sunday morning. “They fail to understand, or chose to pretend to not understand what this movie is, so as to serve some bizarre consensus of opinion which has nothing to do with the movie at all.”

Proyas began his post by pointing out how this just feels like another attack on his portfolio of work. A portfolio critics have never liked, apparently.

“You see, my dear fellow FBookers, I have rarely gotten great reviews… on any of my movies, apart from those by reviewers who think for themselves and make up their own opinions,” Proyas writes. “Sadly those type of reviewers are nearly all dead. Good reviews often come many years after the movie has opened. I guess I have the knack of rubbing reviewers the wrong way – always have.”

Proyas might want to take note that looking at the box office receipts, it’s not just the critics who have a problem with his work.

You can read Alex Proyas’ entire Facebook response here.

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