It’s Bruce Campbell vs. Mutated Holiday Shoppers in the First Trailer for Horror Comedy Black Friday
Photo via Screen Media Films
Bruce Campbell has done an awful lot in his decorated genre movie career, as the Evil Dead icon has now fought off possessed corpses in most every imaginable locale, especially once Starz series Ash vs. Evil Dead is taken into account. One thing he’s never had, though, is Black Dynamite by his side. And that’s exactly what we’ll apparently be getting in upcoming holiday horror comedy Black Friday, which released its first trailer today. The film pairs Campbell with action movie powerhouse Michael Jai White among others, making for a very promising indie horror comedy tandem.
Black Friday fittingly takes place inside a large, Toys “R” Us-style big box retail store, where the ravening hordes of shoppers waiting outside the doors for midnight deals are seemingly infected by some sort of alien parasite, becoming deadly monsters in the process. In terms of inspirations, it looks something like Evil Dead, meets the alien zombies of Night of the Creeps, combined with the storefront setting of 1989 slasher Intruder … which also included a young Bruce Campbell! As they say, there’s nothing new under the sun.
In reality, Black Friday, directed by music documentarian Casey Tebo, looks like a pretty conventional modern horror comedy, but it’s at least blessed with a strong cast and what look like some pretty nifty makeup effects in the trailer below. In addition to Campbell and Jai White, the film stars Devon Sawa, Ryan Lee and former Guillermo del Toro muse Ivana Baquero, who starred in Pan’s Labyrinth. At the very least, it should provide a solid addition to the Christmas season horror canon when it arrives in late November. Black Friday will hit theaters in limited release on Nov. 19, and video on demand on Nov. 23, 2021. Check out the first trailer below.