Into the Spider-Verse Is Returning to Theaters This Weekend, Including Imax

Rodney Rothman, one of the co-writers and co-directors of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (along with Bob Persichetti and Peter Ramsey) dropped some choice information on Twitter last night: Spider-Verse is headed back to theaters this weekend for a “huge re-release.” Promising that the re-release would include “tons of IMAX” and otherwise large or premium screens, the writer urged fans to get out and see Spider-Verse the way it was meant to be seen, on the big screen.
Let’s start from the beginning one last time: #Spiderverse is getting a huge re-release this weekend including tons of IMAX screens! Check it out on the BIGGEST SCREEN YOU CAN FIND. And spread the word!
— rodneyrothman (@rodneyrothman) February 27, 2019
And well you should. The newly crowned winner of the Academy Awards’ Best Animated Feature is an absolutely lovely film, and the freshest take, both visually and tonally that we’ve seen in the superhero genre in the last few years. Rarely has a film deserved to walk away with Oscar gold more than Spider-Verse did at the 91st Academy Awards. If it had somehow missed out on the statuette, we could have had a riot on our hands.
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse did receive an initial IMAX release when it first came out in December, but it was competing with the likes of Aquaman and Bumblebee at the time. This time around, the weekend of Feb. 28-March 3, we’d assume it will be able to pad its box office figures substantially on the post-Oscar buzz. Into the Spider-Verse has currently made about $360 million worldwide, on a $90 million budget—not too shabby.
So this weekend, do your duty and go take in the best Spider-Man movie we’ve ever seen.