Trailer: Jennifer Lawrence is Joy, Subject of New David O. Russell Film

Joy Mangano, spirited Long Island dynamo, became a multimillionaire after her invention of the “Miracle Mop.” But her story, as you’ll see from the trailer above, was not always so perfectly representative of the American dream. Mangano’s troubles, and her triumphs, will be documented by David O. Russell in the upcoming film Joy, and it should come as no surprise that he’s chosen Lawrence for the title role. The casting of Bradley Cooper as an HSN executive—the channel which propelled Mangano and her product to fame—is equally unsurprising. Robert DeNiro will also star in the film, which Russell wrote and directed. Joy opens on Christmas day, and man, will this one ever be Oscar bait. I’m already predicting a J-Law best actress for her portrayal of a powerful woman who navigates through the difficulties of a male-dominated world to become fully self-actualized and wildly successful. It hits all the right notes for Academy voters, and considering the actor and director, it will also probably be legitimately awesome. Stay tuned.
Update: According to a publicist for 20th Century Fox, the character of “Joy” is in this film is “amalgamation of several successful women and entrepreneurs.” This despite the fact that the character is named “Joy Mangano,” which is also the real name of the actual person actually from Long Island that actually invented the Miracle Mop. The post has been corrected to remove the word “biopic.”