New Collateral Beauty Trailer Promises Love, Time, Death and Tears
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Will Smith’s got a new movie coming, and The Joker isn’t in it. The first trailer for Collateral Beauty just dropped, and it promises to give us a Will Smith who has been broken by the world, at least until he’s visited by Love, Time and Death.
It would probably be wise to back up a bit. As the trailer suggests, Smith’s character has suffered the loss of his daughter, and his grief has shut him down. As a coping mechanism, Smith decides to write letters to Love, Time and Death. When they actually show up, things get a little strange.
Bolstered by a terrific cast including Keira Knightley, Jacob Latimore and Helen Mirren, who play Love, Death and Time, respectively, Collateral Beauty looks like the kind of holiday film the whole family can ugly-cry at together. The film is directed by David Frankel and also stars Edward Norton and Kate Winslet.
With a cast like that, it’s easy to see how the film could be one of the most anticipated releases of the remainder of the year. Whether the film is worthy of that excitement is another question entirely. Collateral Beauty hits theaters on Dec. 16. Until then, check out the first teaser trailer above.