John Carpenter Says He’s Ready to Score Another Halloween Sequel
Photo by Sophie Gransard
The long-awaited 2018 Halloween sequel by David Gordon Green hasn’t officially been granted a sequel just yet, but in terms of “inevitable things that will definitely happen,” you can put that right at the top of the list. Made on a mere $10 million budget, the film has made $252 million to date, making it the highest grossing slasher movie of all time. So yeah—they’re definitely making another one, ending of the current film be damned.
And you know who wants in on that project? John Carpenter. In an interview with Consequence of Sound, the now 70-year-old director of the original 1978 Halloween said he loved working on Green’s film, and that he’d already talked with the director about returning to score the sequel. In terms of direct quotes, he said only the following: “We’ll be ready. We’ve all talked about it. We’ll be ready.”
“All” presumably would refer to Carpenter’s son Cody and collaborator Daniel Davies, with whom Carpenter scored Green’s Halloween and several recent albums, including the first two installments of Lost Themes, which feature cinema-esque tunes to movies that were never made. At the same time, “all” might or might not include the likes of Green, or writers Danny McBride and Jeff Fradely. It’s been reported in some places that Blumhouse is already working on scripts for a sequel that don’t involve McBride or Green. Jason Blum, meanwhile, has hinted that if his studio could get five sequels out of Paranormal Activity, they can definitely figure out a way to do it for Halloween.
Of course, there are some pretty big choices to be made, in terms of plot. Spoiler alert: The 2018 Halloween ends in a similar manner to the original Halloween 2 from 1981, with Michael Myers being consumed by a firestorm. Will the producers have him miraculously surviving, taking the teeth out of what was supposed to be the “final confrontation” between Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis’ Laurie Strode? Or will they indulge the odd shot at the end of Halloween that shows Strode’s granddaughter Allyson clutching Myers’ signature butcher knife, signifying that perhaps she would become the next killer? Or will they go straight-up Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning with it by making the killer a copycat of the original Myers? None of these strike us as particularly great options, to be frank.
We’ll let you know when more information drops, but at least Carpenter will be involved in some capacity.