Colin Trevorrow Shoots Down (Stupid) Fan Theories of a Dinosaur vs. Human War in Jurassic World 3

Given the way that Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom ended, you can almost understand why the film’s fandom decided the next entry in the series would no doubt feature a full-on man vs. dinosaur apocalyptic showdown. After all, a herd of dinos had escaped from an underground facility where they were being sold to the highest bidder, being released for the first time (not counting that T-Rex in The Lose World) into “the real world.” Bring on the dino war, right?!?
Except no, because really … come on. This was always a profoundly stupid idea. How many dinosaurs escaped, exactly? A few dozen? Most of them herbivores? What were you expecting to see, a Triceratops busting into a neonatal unit to feast on human infants? A Brachiosaurus strolling down 5th Ave. in Manhattan, crushing cars? It makes no sense. It would take the military about 10 seconds to destroy any of these animals with orbital lasers. You thought you were going to see a war? If so, you didn’t think this through.
None other than Jurassic World 3 director Colin Trevorrow has just given a new interview at Jurassic Outpost, seemingly keen on popping that bubble of fan expectations. As he points out, there will obviously be no “war” between humans and dinosaurs in Jurassic World 3—which he confusingly also refers to as Jurassic Park 6.
“I just have no idea what would motivate dinosaurs to terrorize a city,” said Bayona, wisely implying that they could if they wanted to, rather than the entire idea being idiotic. “They can’t organize. Right now we’ve got lethal predators in wild areas surrounding cities all over the world. They don’t go pack hunting for humans in urban areas. The world I get excited about is the one where it’s possible that a dinosaur might run out in front of your car on a foggy backroad, or invade your campground looking for food. A world where dinosaur interaction is unlikely but possible—the same way we watch out for bears or sharks. We hunt animals, we traffic them, we herd them, we breed them, we invade their territory and pay the price, but we don’t go to war with them. If that was the case, we’d have lost that war a long time ago.”
Trevorrow also gives some praise to Fallen Kingdom director J.A. Bayona for the film’s admittedly gorgeous visual style, which borrowed heavily from the world of gothic horror in the film’s second half.
“JA and Oscar shot a beautiful film,” Trevorrow said. “If I’m being honest, I’d say they shot such a beautiful film, I’m not even looking to try and match it. They achieved something so gorgeous to look at, my instinct is to break the classical language of these films a bit and plunge us into a world that feels real and naturalistic. I want to go outside into environments we’ve never seen these animals in. I’m watching a lot of Planet Earth.”
Lest we forget, though, the craziest aspect of Fallen Kingdom had nothing to do with dinosaurs—it was the sudden, almost entirely out of nowhere (and almost completely inconsequential) reveal of the existence of human cloning within the Jurassic Park universe. It was a bizarre subplot to work into the film’s closing minutes, and went by in such a flash that many fans may not have forgotten about it. We can only assume that Trevorrow’s movie will explore this point more deeply.
In all honesty, though, fans should be less concerned about the lack of a dino war, and more concerned about the fact that you’re getting another Jurassic World entry from the director of The Book of Henry. That’s the scariest piece of information here.
Jurassic World 3, as it’s tentatively titled, is currently scheduled for June 11, 2021.