Jason Momoa Supports Ray Fisher’s Claims of Mistreatment on the Set of Warner Bros. Justice League

Jason Momoa Supports Ray Fisher’s Claims of Mistreatment on the Set of Warner Bros. Justice League

Actor Jason Momoa is speaking up on Instagram, supporting Justice League co-star Ray Fisher, who has alleged mistreatment at the hands of Warner Bros. during reshoots of the troubled DC Comics superhero movie. According to Momoa, “serious stuff went down.” The allegations themselves are still quite opaque, with the public not privy to the nature of what is alleged to have happened, but Momoa’s long post makes it clear he both supports Fisher and believes he experienced similar treatment.

“THIS SHIT HAS TO STOP AND NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT,” he wrote. “@ray8fisher AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO EXPERIENCED WHAT HAPPEN UNDER THE WATCH OF @wbpictures NEEDS PROPER INVESTIGATION I just think it’s f—ed up that people released a fake Frosty announcement without my permission to try to distract from Ray Fisher speaking up about the s—y way we were treated on Justice League reshoots. Serious stuff went down. It needs to be investigated and people need to be held accountable. #IStandWithRayFisher.”

The “fake Frosty” reference is another allegation in and of itself, and seems to be referring to the bizarre July announcement in Deadline that Momoa would be starring in a live-action version of Frosty the Snowman—a headline that certainly made us scratch our heads at the time. Momoa’s statement would seem to be alleging that Warner Bros. literally invented a fake movie that Momoa had no knowledge of and then lied to Deadline in order to distract from Fisher’s claims on the same day they originally surfaced. If true, that would certainly rank as one of the strangest diversionary tactics in recent memory.

Fisher’s allegations, meanwhile, stem from the period of reshoots on Justice League that happened under director Joss Whedon, following original director Zack Snyder’s departure from the film following the death of his daughter. Fisher has stated that ‘former president of DC Entertainment Geoff Johns, reshoot director Joss Whedon, producer Jon Berg, and others ‘grossly abused their power’ during the reshoots of the film.’ What the public is supposed to take away from Fisher’s statements isn’t entirely clear, but the studio released a statement that seemed to be undermining those claims, saying that Fisher did not meet with investigators the studio hired to look into the issue. Fisher, meanwhile, says he did meet over Zoom with investigators, but “left the meeting early due to his concern that they were biased.”

On Twitter, Fisher has kept focus on the issue, saying that Warner Bros. has “conveniently avoided contacting key witnesses who gave damning statements to WB HR.” He likewise alleges that the Frosty the Snowman project was pure diversion.

It’s clear that this feud probably won’t be settled in the immediate future, nor is it easy to know what to think without knowing more about the nature of Fisher and Momoa’s complaints. Justice League, meanwhile, is still in the news for the fact that Zack Snyder’s directors cut is still on its way, releasing as a four-hour megalith on HBO Max in 2021. As that film approaches—reportedly with far more of Fisher’s Cyborg character in it—you can be sure that the star’s allegations of mistreatment will remain at the forefront of the news cycle as well.

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