The New Kingsman: The Golden Circle Trailer is Epic
Images via 20th Century Fox/YouTube
Fox just released another trailer for their forthcoming Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and it is insane. The first movie frequently showcased kinetic, fluid action sequences to sell the movie to audiences, and it looks like its sequel is taking that idea and significantly upping the ante. The brief teases we get in the new trailer show off the sheer inventiveness behind Kingsman’s action set pieces. Acrobatic flips, dual pistol wielding, violent car chases, rocket launcher, machine-gun-hiding suitcases and even electric lassos all inflict incredible damage upon main villain Poppy’s mooks. As one might expect, the results are thrilling.
On top of all that, the trailer finally reveals why there are so many men in cowboy hats running around. Apparently, America has its own Kingsman analog called Statesman. When Britain’s main Kingsman infrastructure is literally blown apart, and it appears Merlin, Harry and Eggsy must turn to their brothers across the pond for support.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle is due out Sept. 22. Watch the full trailer above. If you want to see a red-band version of the trailer—with an extra swear word—check that out below and further down, revisit the church fight scene from the first movie to remind yourself why it was so great in the first place.