Lionsgate Will Livestream John Wick, Dirty Dancing and Others to Raise Money for Movie Theater Employees

Lionsgate Will Livestream John Wick, Dirty Dancing and Others to Raise Money for Movie Theater Employees

Many industries have seen near total shut-downs during the ongoing pandemic, but few as wide-ranging and total as the movie theater industry. The inability of people to congregate in large groups to watch feature films has put almost every movie theater employee out of work, and Lionsgate would like to do something to help. They’ll be hosting “Lionsgate Live! A Night at the Movies,” which will be a series of four live-streamed feature films, which will play on the studio’s YouTube page and Fandango’s Movieclips YouTube page. The series will even have a celebrity guest host, as Jamie Lee Curtis will donate her time to introduce and banter with fans during each film.

The movies included in the series are The Hunger Games, Dirty Dancing, La La Land and John Wick, each of which will broadcast on sequential Friday nights from April 17 to May 8. The full schedule is below.

In order to raise funds for those displaced theater workers, the screenings will point viewers toward the Will Rogers Motion Picture Pioneers Foundation, “an organization dedicated to helping workers throughout the motion picture industry,” according to The Hollywood Reporter. The typical questions of “who will benefit?” and “where?” no doubt apply, but at least it’s an attempt, right? The National Association of Theatre owners is likewise participating in the series as a partner.

The films will be shown in the following schedule:

April 17The Hunger Games
April 24Dirty Dancing
May 1La La Land
May 8John Wick (age registration required)

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