Loving Vincent‘s Trailer Offers First Look At The Unique Biopic

Loving Vincent‘s Trailer Offers First Look At The Unique Biopic

You’ve never seen a biopic quite like this one.

According to Loving Vincent’s creators, the film is the first animated feature to use oil paintings for every single one of its frames. 12 oil paintings per second to be exact.

The movie was partially funded through Kickstarter and follows artist Vincent Van Gogh’s life and death through a plot based on 800 letters written by the painter himself. Tapping into the skills and artistry of more than 100 painters trained in the same style, director and Polish painter Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welcman—the producer behind 2006’s Oscar-winning animated short Peter the Wolf—tell a story about one of history’s most revered painters.

In order to take the film from concept to canvas to screen, Kobiela and Welcman put the film’s selected artists through a three-week intensive training session to help them perfect the art style of Van Gogh.

Studios Breakthru Films and Trademark Films produced the film.

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